Sunday, March 17, 2013


I kind of miss guy.  He's in Europe right now, going to Finland, Russia, and some other places.  I told him to head to Lithuania too, a while ago.  Most likely he won't but...I don't know.  It'd be cool if he did.

Though I shouldn't miss him, really.  It isn't that he is a bad person, because he's not at all!  It is just...I know that I liked him more than vice-versa, and I know that he wouldn't blink if I didn't text him anymore.  And I want to stop with that, really.  Just because, is sort of painful.  I mean, I'm okay with it, I guess.  I didn't want anything serious from him anyway, nor do I want to.  Just...I'd like to have a friend who is more...around.  And who texts me.  And since I like him more than that, when he doesn't it hurts even more.

Maybe he and I are too different anyway.  I mean, I'm friends with people who are very different from me, but romantic-partner material?  I don't know.

Like I said, I just want someone to like...hang out with all day and watch movies and lay in bed and bake cookies with and be an idiot with.  It'd be nice.

I'm still in a good mood, aha, I was just thinking.  And procrastinating because fuck I don't want to work at all it is really bad.

I joked while I was at the arcade.  I said that I need to stop checking out guys in bars, because my people are at the arcade, and that I should cruise there.  Aha, I doubt that would go well.

Besides the fact that...cruising guys?  Me?  Yeah that shit doesn't happen.

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