Monday, March 11, 2013


So I'm going to be upping my dosage to 75 mg instead of 50.  I thought about going up to 100, but I didn't know if that would be too much?  I mean, I told my doctor that I felt like they were helping, but I felt like I needed to go up because of how rough the past few weeks have been.  I don't know; they just haven't seemed as effective as they were before, and that might just be because of the dosage not being high enough.  So, essentially, I'm going to get the 50 mg pills and then cut one in half and take one and a half a day rather than just one.  I'm hoping that will help fight off all the bad feelings I've been unable to get rid of for a while now.  Bah.  

Last I saw her, Steph joked and said she's going to have to get me one of those pill cases which lets you allocate your medicine for different days of the week.  I laughed, but it is starting to become true?  With this and the vitamins/calcium and something else I was advised to start taking too...yep.  Might need one of those eventually.

Talked with my Methods prof about my article and game theory.  To the article, he said what I picked was fine.  To game theory, he gave me some advice, and told me that I had enough credibility to complain about the length of classes and everything.  In other words, he knows that I'm not just doing it to slack off and whine.  So I kind of appreciated him saying that; it means that I've been recognized as a hard worker by members of the department (which gives me more clout when I have complaints like this)!  I was advised to talk to her, and just explain to her that after like...four hours, I'm really not absorbing anymore.  That I can't absorb anymore and trying to figure things out past a certain time is just really really difficult, especially since she usually only gives us one or two ten minute breaks.

So I think I'll do that tomorrow, or something, because I really didn't want to go today?  I need to figure out what I want to say to her before I rush in.

Two of my profs agreed to be references for my volunteer application for the doggie shelter!  So I just need one more.  I should probably get someone other than a professor, honestly, for my third.  And to be fair, I don't really know what they would say?  Besides that I don't kick dogs or anything, aha.

I just wanna play with puppies, seriously.  They make me happy.  

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