Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Art and sessions

I really really want this Supernatural artwork.  Seriously.  It is by the same person from whom I bought this Castiel print.  She has a ton of other stuff in her society6 gallery to buy, a lot of it being Loki and Sherlock, but this particular print is limited edition, or something, so it is on another website for charity and is only being  sold for $80, which is...kind of really far out of my price range for prints.  I am disgustingly tempted though, because nnnngh wings.  I fucking love wings when they're done well, and wings on Castiel are probably the best thing ever.

My prescription either wasn't called in, or something happened again, since the pharmacy said they didn't have it.  I'm...really hoping they'll have it by tomorrow, since I really don't need to go a few days without it?  I'll give it until tomorrow; if not, I'll call my doctor back.  This is weird, that it has happened twice now...

Session was good.  Got to talk about my stress with the professor I'm TAing for, and the dream, and some other friend stuff.  I was told that my thought process isn't weird or abnormal; I'm just at a limit and I don't like being berated without a chance to defend myself.  That professor has made my morale sink so low; basically I really don't care about that class.  I don't care about what she wants us to do.  I do care about my students, and helping them, but she makes it hard, sometimes.  I was advised to go talk to the first-year advisor, because it might give me that chance to defend myself, because more than anything, I hate the implication that I am a slacker and that I don't try.  Seriously.  My determination to work is one of the few positive qualities I believe I have, and when someone threatens that (seriously, anyway; I have plenty of times where I am lazy and I say that I'm being so but when it comes down to it, fuck you I work really hard), I kind of really get angry.

Also talked about the dream, and my concerns about it.  That it freaks me out because of possible latent feelings I still have, and the implication that I want anything other than the no-contact relationship we have now.  Like...how can I miss the past while still hating him?  It's weird, and it freaks me out, despite things she told me.  It's going to be difficult for me to see it the way she advised.

It is annoying also just because I don't get good sleep when I dream about stuff like that.  And since I'm so tired, the last thing I need is to have bad nights' sleep.  She said I should try to write right before bed or something, to maybe clear my head and have a calm mind.  That might be able to stop them.

Other things were brought up within the category of friends and houses and doggies.  It was a good session.

It was remarked, after I said I only had one meal yesterday and Friday and didn't really get lunch today, that me planning ahead is the best for my eating, since the spontaneous thing doesn't really work out so well.

Speaking of, I didn't dig the cashew butter, but that might also be because I'd rather have it on toasted bread?  I don't know.  Non-crunchy bread doesn't always do it for me.

I should have something now...maybe just something small, since I do want to make sure I have dinner later. Though people are coming over to work on Methods homework also.  Hmm...

Oh, and I'm concerned about the feels of someone, but don't know how to ask how they are, because I'm afraid of creeping.

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