Sunday, March 17, 2013

Physical reactions don't matter lala I don't care I don't care I don't!  Fuck you and your friends!  So what if I get clammy and gross feeling and hot with anger who cares because I don't at all!  Nope.  Not at all.

It's my life and I'll live it without you!

I'll murder you in mind and heart for all you've put me though.

Anger is an emotion I can't seem to get rid of.

Recently I asked people that if they had to pick one of the seven deadly sins that describes them best, what would they pick.

They seemed surprised when I chose wrath.  I don't know why that was surprising to them, really.

I'm still okay, aha, I really am.

Just that influx of anger and hurt that happens when I see stuff doesn't seem to ever leave.  And not even like...anything important.  Just the small things; they probably are the worst.

But I don't care.  I don't I don't!

There's no missing-him-ness here either.

I just want to punch him in the face.  And the throat.  And the everywhere.

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