Friday, March 29, 2013

I stumbled upon the tumblr of the roommate.  Won't lie, whenever "roommate's boyfriend" is brought up I feel angry and gross but lawl that's normal and he's a dickbag.  "I just can't do a relationship anytime soon" my ass.  Fuck you.  Fuck you so fucking much you lying piece of shit you deserve only unhappiness and my god I want to kick you in the throat.


Also, World/Inferno later!   But first, Brendan and I have plans on going to the Nintendo Store and then we have reservations at Max Brenner's.  I'm grossly excited. 

I bought that jacket, and they asked me for my measurements, so I should probably get on that today. 

Watched Adam West batman yesterday and had ice cream from my local place and it was excellent. 

This exchange happened over text: 

Brendan: Okay 14:40 then.  See u soon. 
Me: Get that anti-murican time out of here. 
Brendan: Haha real muricans only need 12 numbers to tell time. 
Me: Exactly.  

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