Tuesday, March 26, 2013


So I'm pretty sure I overslept and it might have to do with the two dreams I had.

The first one was before I woke up around 8:30, and it was actually kind of really upsetting.  Some asshole was breeding German Shepard puppies only to release them and then hunt them.  And I remember running around trying to basically hunt him, and save the puppies.  He had released three of them and unfortunately I ended up not being able to save one of them before he got to them.  But then I did catch up to the two remaining puppies and I was trying to hide with them in bushes and everything.  He did see us but I was able to allow them to run away and everything.  I'm pretty sure I woke up when he and I started fighting because I said I was going to kill him and I meant that.

The second involved me taking some sort of standardized test, but I was still on the internet and the proctor was giving us a ton of hints.  Like, basically at one point there was a question about a pattern and it involved the behaviour of people on Tumblr, so I answered in one way and she told me that was wrong before I circled it and everything.  And then at another point I was looking up some phrase on wikipedia (I'm pretty sure it doesn't actually exist in real life it was so bizarre), and she saw me and didn't...really care.

I don't know!  It was weird.  Far less upsetting than the first one though.  

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