Saturday, March 30, 2013

I'm so gross

And I don't care at all at the moment because that concert was awesome and insane and wonderful and I fucking love them so much.

During one of their songs, the lyrics are:
One time I went to just the best party.
The music was good, and the girls were pretty.

And at the "the girls were pretty" the singer leaned down and like... caressed my face and stared at me and I was like "JACK THINKS I'M PRETTY," because I'm a fucking dork when it comes to them and him and ahhhh.  Plus we upgraded from hand-holding to cheek caressing (though hands were touched as well, since I made sure to get a front spot) and gah.  That man.

We were crushed repeatedly and I was kicked in the face numerous times because of stage divers but it was so good.

The two opening bands were also awesome.  One was called Stolen Babies and I have a huge fucking girlcrush on the singer of that.  She was hot as hell, my god.

My ears are still ringing and my voice is super hoarse.  I was shaking from all the adrenaline once we left.

Oh, and we got them to do a triple-encore.  Yeah.  That happened and it was awesome.

They played one of their waltz-y songs, and made us get partners to waltz with.  Some guy asked me and we waltzed and I got his number and he got mine, so aha, that happened.  We even gave each other kisses on the cheeks since we were partners and everything and it was so sweet aha.  I probably will text him (or should I wait for him to text me?  Aaaah I'm bad at this game) either tomorrow or Sunday.  One of those.

Ah.  I'm so pleased right now.  With how I was feeling earlier with all the anger and shiz and then a scare I had mid-trip, that was an excellent end and it was so awesome and I love them and they're perfect.

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