Thursday, March 7, 2013

I think I'm just going to go to sleep.

I don't have the energy to figure out the rest of these game theory problems.  I don't have the energy to read through new articles to try and find one to review.  I might just need to talk to him and ask him if I can give him an idea for Monday instead, because I'm a fucking loser who has been having huge difficulties focusing and mustering the effort to work and I just want to sleep all the time.  Hah, how do I tell that to a professor, as a graduate student?  It probably just sounds like I'm whining, which I guess I am.

I'm mad at myself, obviously.  But I'm just so goddamn tired.

Brendan just forwarded a house to us that looks amazing.  It has a pool and is fucking huge and isn't that expensive.  I want to look at that so badly.  This weekend.  We have to start the apartment-hunt.

Hopefully tomorrow I won't be so volatile with emotions.  Ha.  Doubtful.

I'll silence you with sex and drugs and education;
murder you in mind and heart for all you put me through.
This is my last song for you;
I will not be your number two.

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