Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Although coding is a huge annoyance, it does feel really good when I finally get something.

I spent forever trying to figure out exactly out to do the out of sample data in R, and I got it after many attempts and much searching on the internet and I am so pleased with myself.  Even though R is still fucking lame.

We continue to underestimate the amount of time it takes to complete these assignments.  But I'd be much more tired if I a) didn't take a two-hour nap before, and b) didn't consume two cans of caffeinated soda not too long ago.  I am intellectually tired, but sleepy-wise, not as much at the moment.  Which is so rare and it being right now is very inconvenient.  Though I might be wrong and I might just be able to plop down on my pillow and sleep.

A lot of people ask me for my codes and I kind starting to get more protective over them?  Like I don't want to just give them to people.  I wouldn't mind helping people and explaining my process to them and helping them find the same code as me and all, but just handing over my code is starting to become more and more uncomfortable.  Brendan and I have done that before, and we did remark that we're starting to think that just letting people take our code is hindering them from actually learning STATA and R.  I don't mind sharing so much with people who help me and I help them in return, because we go over what the codes mean and we try to make them our own and we actually give each other credit in our files that we turn in to show that we had help from another person.  But...I don't know.  Maybe that is me being too competitive, or something, but Brendan is feeling the same way about that, so at least I'm not alone in feeling uncomfortable.

I realize it is only like that with the codes, though, aha.  I just shared some of my tables to show someone the aesthetics of them, and that I don't mind at all.  I think it is just because I work super hard on the codes, whereas the tables and stuff are much easier.

Tomorrow I'm going to hand in my application for doggie shelter volunteering, but not until after I run to Petsmart and buy some stuff for them!  Yes, I am going to try and like...bribe my way in, aha.  And I'm going to give them the cans and bottles I have, since they said they take those also.  Then we want to go to the movies, since it's been forever since we've been able to go.  But this will be after the extra game theory session we're having tomorrow to go over the rest of the homework.

I'm hoping to catch the first year advisor tomorrow at some point, because I really do want to talk to her.

Also I still want to ask how someone is, but wahh I'm annoying so I probably won't aha.  Because I'm lame.

Here's to hoping for a better night's sleep tonight!  No dreams of stupid ex.  Please, brain, I am fucking begging you.  

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