Monday, March 25, 2013


I have a puppers on my bed laying at my feet right now and that pleases me.

We're watching Jack - my oldest sister's dog - and I was super super happy when I came home and he was there to greet me.

My ride down was awesome; Brendan and I talked about a lot of stuff and listened to great music and everything.  I left my cds with him since we took his car instead of Cornelius; I won't be driving a car with a cd player or anything.  He was really really grateful when I did, aha, since he really enjoys my music choices.

Both my parents and my little sister are happy I'm home, and I am happy to be as well!  Though I did have some sad feels last night and I don't really know why.  Maybe it was just my brain acting up, because there really was no reason for me to feel sad.  Maybe it was also because I was really tired.

Joanna picked me up and remarked how light I was.  And when I told my mom how I'm tired all the time she replied that it is because I don't eat and had a sad expression on her face.  I'm going to try to eat more while on this vacation.  It should help that they're around; I'll probably be poked at more than when I'm by myself and everything.

Someone has hurt Carl and I want to hurt them for doing that.  On Friday, Carl told one of the prospectives that the two of us are like brother and sister and that actually made me super happy, because it is true.  And I love that it is true.

So when you hurt my brother, who is a far better person than I could ever hope to be and only deserves happiness, I want nothing more than for you to suffer.

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