Sunday, March 17, 2013


Thinking about a boy whom I loved and who destroyed me in ways he doesn't understand, despite how much I post and talk about it.  I tell myself I'm over him, but I'm not because there is still some part of me that can't believe this has happened, because I foolishly loved him more than I should have.

Thinking about another boy whom I care about and who is far away at the moment and who I don't think cares about me.  I tell myself that is okay, but it hurts.

Thinking about a girl who, in the short time I have been talking to her, has helped me more than perhaps she realizes.  I tell myself that I only wish to reciprocate to her as much as I can, and I do really want to.

Thinking about a girl I did not know who decided she couldn't handle the sadness anymore.  I tell myself I'll not follow in her footsteps, but it is always in the back of my mind.

Thinking about a boy in my cohort who says things I understand completely, about how sad he is.  I tell myself I'll talk to him about it, but I probably will not.

Thinking about a girl who has the attention of my former love.  I tell myself that I have no animosity towards her, yet I become very happy when a friend who is in a class of hers tells me how annoying she finds her to be.


Maybe game theory will stop these thoughts.

You've got those tired eyes all the time. 

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