Friday, March 29, 2013

Say Anything is a super good angry band and I would love in some perfect world to serenade him and his new chick with a few of their songs right before punching him in the face.

Ah, dreams.

Still debating about Airband, too.  Because fuck if I see him I know I'm just going to see red and if I see him with her being all fucking gross and coupley, I'm afraid of whether or not I'd be able to hold myself back and everything.

(Ha.  I haven't feared that in a while.)

Plus a lot of my friends are in his frat and I would like to see them too and go over there and everything, but once again, if I stumble in there and see him I will want to pick up the table (WITH MY SUPERHUMAN STRENGTH fuck you I am the hulk except lol no) that is in there and like...go WWE on him and shit.  (I feel like this is becoming somewhat comical now aha.)

Also that motherfucker still owes me money.  "I promise I'll pay them back" ahahaha.

My god do I hate you.

That tumblr just brought up all these angry feels again (or rather...recharged them, because they never really leave ever).

This really is getting somewhat comedic.

I really do hate that he has a girlfriend.  Because 1) you obviously fucking lied to me twice over when you dumped me, and 2) fuck you you don't deserve to have anyone.  Be fucking lonely so you can see what you do to people you fucking sociopathic piece of shit.


OH MY GOD how do I handle this I have no idea what to do, writing in here is literally the only thing keeping me from going all fucking Rocky on my walls and shit.

At least Brendan will be here in less than 10.

I should probably finished getting dressed, shouldn't I.  As fun as it is to just chill and dance in my jeans with my belts and a bra, I figure a shirt might be necessary.

It was suggested I get a punching bag or something to try and expend all this anger and everything, and I might...want to do that.  Seriously.

I just don't know what to do.

I don't know how to get rid of it.

I don't know.

I'm angry all the time.

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