Friday, March 15, 2013

Doggie fever

You know how some women get baby fever?  Like, if they don't have a kid and really sort of want one they go around looking at all the baby stuff and everything?  That is kind of what I am doing with dogs and the idea of volunteering at this shelter is like...really really exciting.  I went to Target and spent I think around $35-$40 getting stuff for the shelter, and I still feel like I should have gotten more.  Picked up some canned food, some balls, a huge bag of beggin' strips and another huge bag of another type of treat, and a blanket.  Plus I have a full bag of bottles and cans I'm going to give them for depositing and all!  It isn't much, but they said they take anything.

And I was running around the isles in the store trying to figure out what would be the best to buy for them and everything.  Like, what would be the best for the puppers?  What would they like the best?  And then I was getting all giddy and excited about the prospect of working more with doggies and hopefully very very soon being able to have my own and I just can't wait.

Though I did ask silly questions to Brendan and Carl, such as "if you were a puppers, would you rather have lamb and rice or beef and rice?"  Lamb ended up being purchased.  Maybe I'll ask if there are specific brands/flavours they think is best, so I can go for those next time!

Spent all night doing game theory.  It was kind of gross, aha.  But I'm in a good mood, so there's that!  Plus, we told very nerdy jokes, a lot dealing with regression.

Friend let me rant about ex and I was pleased when he said "God, if I ever see him, I'm going to punch him so hard for you."  That made me happy.  :)

Also it was revealed that Carl has never seen the original Star Wars trilogy.  I am so fucking excited to show it to him for the first time, my god.

Speaking of Star Wars, this happened after Carl asked Brendan to toss him a bag of candy and I did it instead:

Carl: [to Brendan] You still owe me now!
Brendan: No, that was me; I was using jedi powers to make her do it.
Me: So you're saying I have a weak mind?  Don't think I didn't catch that insult!
Brendan: This is why you're awesome.

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