Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Puppies make everything better

In a slightly better mood since one of the older students brought his puppy and I got to see it and everything, even if it was only for a little bit. He is a cute little yellow lab and ugh he is just so adorable and I can't.
It is kind of amazing how dogs are able to pick up my mood even when I'm feeling so bad.  I'm sure I'll return to that state in a little while, because seeing a puppy for about five minutes is like a high that is going to go away, but still.

I really do need to go to the shelter and see if I can volunteer.  From things like this, I do think it would really help.  I just need to find the time and energy to go.  There have been some times where I could have gone, but I couldn't bring myself to get up and actually leave my apartment.

If I finish my assignment with a reasonable amount of time (which is unlikely), then I'll go today.  If not, I'll go tomorrow.

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