Thursday, March 7, 2013


Went to Outback with Carl and Brendan for steaks and blooming onion and ice cream and I feel like I ate so much but it was so good so it's okay.  Though I am definitely done eating for the night.  I kind of feel like I'm going to burst. 

I'm feeling somewhat better than I was this morning, which is good.   Although I am somewhat frustrated with Game Theory.  This homework involves a lot of questions asking about the maximization of profits, which, to me, screams to use derivatives.  And while that is a way she showed us, she also said you couldn't use that method, for what looked like to me an identically-structured problem.  So I don't know when I should use calculus and when I shouldn't and it is just frustrating.   

Had a talk with my parents, which is always nice.  They both are very happy that I decided to not go to the Y&G conference this weekend, since they know this will be a lot less stressful.  My mom asked me how the eating schedule was going, and it is going pretty well so far!  I'm trying to get used to eating lunch every day.  It definitely helps to have scheduled times set for that.  Though I did tell her that I'm still tired all the time.  She remarked that it might be not only the eating, but also just how much and how intensely I work.  That I put it a ton of time and effort during the day while in classes and while at the office, and then having to come back to my apartment and continue without a break is exhausting.  And then having to wake up and repeat it all so that it feels like it never actually ends probably contributes to my exhaustion as well (and my mood).  Which is kind of sad to think about, because I might just always be tired and I'd like to have some times where I'm not ready to fall asleep, seriously.  

After I asked about the number for the doctor, I told my dad that I had been meaning to call her for a few weeks now, but I keep having anxiety about it and worrying about all these different things and so I keep putting it off.  But I can't really do that anymore, since I think I only have four days worth of meds left.  He told me that things like this are probably why I'm taking them, because things that seem simple to other people really bother me.  And he seemed very understanding when he said that, actually.  It wasn't like, "oh other people see how simple it is, so why can't you?"  It was more that he recognized it is something that worries me because I think differently than others.  There was no judgment attached or anything, and I really appreciated that, because even though I beat myself up about things like that, it made me feel like maybe it is not terrible...just different.  And yes, more difficult, but it isn't wrong?  I don't know.  

Still need to find the article I'm going to review.  I'd rather just sleep, aha. 

Either tomorrow or Saturday I'm going to hand in the application to volunteer for puppers.  I also took a picture of the list of things they always need, so I might take a trip to Petsmart and get some stuff for them!  And they also accept cans and bottles, so I might give them all the ones I have.  

I'm really excited about the prospect of working more with dogs.  They really help me, so it is only right for me to return the favour and get them stuff they need! 

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