Saturday, March 30, 2013

I'm having this weirdish mood swings today and I really don't know why?

Before, we decided to play kings and at first my sister was kind of (jokingly) mad that I didn't want a drink.  Then, though, when I mentioned that it wasn't because I didn't want to, but more because I couldn't, my sisters and their significant others all started inquiring why.  When I said I was taking stuff and told them (when asked when was the last time I had it) that it was a continued thing for a while, they started guessing what it was for.  And finally they got to depression, and I just kind of said yeah and wanted the conversation to stop and I realized I should've just said I didn't want to drink.  Meh, I don't know.

Then Steph made a remark that I would be happier if I ate and I just kind of laughed but it still kind of hit me in a weird way and...I don't know.

I felt sort of excluded for the rest of the game.  Since I wasn't drinking alcohol, it was like I wasn't actually playing the game.  And I kept getting prodded at to eat stuff and it was a little annoying.

But then later after dinner I had a dance party with my mom in the kitchen and I was really happy.  Just dancing to Streetlight and World/Inferno and other stuff, and that was awesome.

We started playing Cards Against Humanity, also, and...I don't know.  During, I just got somewhat sad.  I really don't know why.  It is a weird feeling and something I cannot really give a reason for.  Just...something which occurs, I suppose.  It happens.  Random mood swings and sadness.

I did take my measurements for my jacket, so I am excited for that.

I don't know what is going on with me right now.  I should be happier than I am.

Going to dye some eggs.

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