Thursday, March 14, 2013


Finding the mixed strategy nash equilibrium for these games is really kind of annoying, because I keep thinking that I have the right stuff, but I must be interpreting something incorrectly.  Because I got the probabilities switched for this one problem for each of the players when I did the long version and then the shortcut, so I am super confused.  I don't know if my professor is around for me to ask.  This was the stuff we were trying to go over at the tail end of the lecture on Friday, aka - when I was completely zoned out.  My notes don't really help since...well frankly they're not that good.

Feeling very focused today overall, although game theory homework (for the above reasons) is kicking my ass so far.  It's good though, because I need to be really productive today and tomorrow, since I wasn't yesterday (workwise; I still feel like I made progress yesterday in a different nature, so yay!), and I won't really be able to Saturday after noon since I have McKenna coming over.  (I asked her to come on Saturday instead of Friday because I just have so much work to do.)

R workshop now, which is needed but damn I kind of wish there wasn't one today since I really just want to work on game theory.

Though, I was supposed to meet with the nutritionist today, and she wasn't in her office, so I shot her an email.  Hopefully we will be able to reschedule for next week or something!

Asked an undergrad friend via facebook about MIT experiences and stuff.  He hasn't gotten back to me yet, but I am hoping he will soon!

I want more music and stuff.  Also, totally going to buy my World/Inferno ticket later today.

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