Friday, March 22, 2013

Prospective Weekend

Okay, so the midterm was kind of really intense and brutal.  While I think I did well on 3 of the 5 questions, it appears I have misinterpreted the first question, and the fifth one had a really difficult part to it, so I don't really know how I did.  I'm actually kind of bummed about that; I think I could have done better.  I just wanted to show my professor that I know what I'm doing in that class (at least somewhat), and I'm afraid that my midterm won't show that as well as I wanted.

Meh., Allison.  You studied super hard, and you just misinterpreted something that anyone could have.  You tried your best!  Don't let the perfectionist in you make you feel down about this!


Anyway, my prospective is super nice, and I do hope she chooses here (though this program seems more quantitative than she is looking for, so if she doesn't, that is okay)!  The other three prospectives who were here also were really cool.  After happy hour (where we sobbed about the midterm but did bond with our game theory professor a little bit, which was good), I took three of the four prospectives, Brendan, Carl, and another member of my cohort back to my apartment and we chilled for a bit before dinner.  They seemed to enjoy us and had fun with us!

Dinner was good, though it was long.  Since there were so many of us, I guess everything took a really long time to make and stuff.  And I was slightly annoyed because before the weekend, one of the second years who was running this wrote a somewhat inflammatory email about how we all needed to go to everything in order to make the propectives feel welcome and all.  But the person who wrote that wasn't around at all today, and then the person whom he designated to take over for him wasn't around for happy hour nor the dinner.  So it was a little hectic.

My prospective's plane leaves super early tomorrow, so a taxi is coming to get her at 4:40 in the morning, so I am going to get up at 4:30 just to say goodbye.  And then I'll go back to sleep.  I think I'll stay here all day tomorrow to enjoy my empty apartment and just chill with Brendan for a day, and then I'll head down to the Island with him.

Then, World/Inferno on Friday!  So excited!

Though for now I'm super tired.

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