Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Now, part of me was wondering if I should go to UC for Airband this year.  I've been thinking I would enjoy it, because I missed last year's since I was at home wallowing and everything.  (Trust me: I watched the performance which he was involved in and fucking broke down and I'm so glad I decided to not go last year because of everything.)  It is the same weekend as the possible Atlantic City trip, though I think it would be cool to go to AC for that Friday, and then head over to UC on Saturday, stay over, and then head  back to Binghamton on Sunday.

The only thing is...I know he is going to be there.  And the last thing I really want to do is see him.  Seriously.  The thought of it makes me feel absolutely sick to my stomach.  I don't want to see his face, his jacket, his arms around that fucking wannabe-hipster chick he's with, his hair (also blond, seriously?), nothing!  I just want him to disappear and for me to never see or think about him and that would be absolutely fantastic and I would love that because fuck you I hate you so much.

(I was just chatting with Anisha for a bit which is why my hate levels have spiked right now aha.)

But, do I really want that worthless piece of trash to again prevent me from going and enjoying something I really like?

Plus, I can meet and chill with new friends and hang with old ones and if I did what I'm thinking, Carl and/or Brendan would be with me as well - since we'd be coming directly from AC - so I'd have a buffer around myself from him (and I'd finally be able to show them my undergrad!).  They both really hate him too, from all the stories I've told them, so they'd definitely help me get away from him if I happened to spot him accidentally or anything.

I just want to see Airband (and a friend!).

I just don't want to see him.

Decisions, decisions...  

I ate a super big lunch so I haven't been hungry since then.  So even though I ate a lot then, I didn't eat dinner, so I still only had one meal today.  Way to go, Allison.  Way to go.

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