Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Property Hunting

So I found the house we really liked back on the for rent listings on a different website, so I am kind of hoping that isn't just that they forgot to take it off and that it really is for rent again.  Plus, I'm thinking that if we start finding things with a certain number of bedrooms and a finished basement, we could actually get an additional roommate to go in the basement and drive down the rent even more.  That would be really sweet, since most houses for rent seem to not include any of the utilities, either, which is annoying.

But damn, that house is so fucking sweet and I want it.

Though it didn't say anything about pets, and honestly, if they tell me I can't have a dog, I'll walk away.  Because not being able to have one is a huge dealbreaker now.

Going to try and bang out my review today, since my writer's block prevented me from doing so yesterday.  I'm still not feeling very inspired to write, but now it is a necessity, since the thing is due tomorrow.  However, I did get a lot of my game theory problem set finished last night.

Feeling kind of sickish, but I need to suck it up.

Also it is still snowing.  My god.  I hope I don't get stuck here, because that would be terrible.

I just wanna skype with people?!  Like.  Everyone.  Three people in particular.  But I have work to do.  Sob.  

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