Monday, March 11, 2013

Cornelius part 3

Picked up Cornelius not too long ago and he sounds beautiful and he runs so smoothly now and I have a/c back for the summer and aaaah I'm really fucking happy about this.

Seriously, I was kind of squeal-y happy to my friends before when I got the call that he needed to get picked up and everything.

Pre-car me never would have imagined myself getting so attached to my vehicle as I have.  But goddamn, I love my Cornelius way too much.

House-hunting is still ongoing.  We need to stop, because we're seriously considering buying now.  What are we.  We need to stop.  Though it is bad that we have all these crazy expectations about where we want to live now because of that one damn house.  Why house.  Why u do dis to us.

Gonna sit out in my living room and listen to tunes and start this Methods homework.  In a good mood right now because of having Cornelius back and getting the meds thing all straightened out.

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