Saturday, March 9, 2013

Poli Sci fangirling

Holy fuck I love Mayhew I love this theory and I love studying Congress nnnnngh.

I'm hoping this reaction paper will get me a good grade and will be written well, I really do.  I'm trying to incorporate a theory from Boix and comparative into this to reinforce what Mayhew is saying.  Basically I'm not really offering a criticism but more...arguing against a criticism?  Like I found one that people would probably level against him today and I'm like "NOPE, FUCK YOU THAT'S WRONG AND THIS IS PERFECT" ahaha.

I'm sure my professor will come up with some other criticism that I haven't thought of, but right now I'm perfectly fine with handing in a paper that says this whole theory is wonderful, because I did think of a criticism as well.  I'm just arguing that that criticism doesn't necessarily apply.

I have been thinking a lot about him for some reason today and I don't want to because it just makes me mad and sad but Congress paper has kind of fought off those bad feels for the time being.

Really, I'm kind of shocked.  This is one of the few times my work recently has made me feel good.  And it isn't necessarily because what I'm writing is very good (because I always think what I write is shit, no matter what, aha), but more because this subject is one I really really fucking love.  Legislative behaviour is just so fucking interesting to me, and kind of always has been.

Also yes I realizing I'm fangirling over a political science theory/political scientist.  I guess this is actually a good thing?  The world of academia is getting to me.  

Still have some of it left, but it is nice.  Just sitting here in my living room with no roommate in the apartment, writing about something I thoroughly enjoy, and listening to music.  And though I've had two already...I might go for another soda because I want one and I'm an adult I'm allowed to have what I want!

Unrelated: the doughnut holes that Brendan made me buy at Wegmans are fucking fantastic.  I recommend everyone go get some.  Like.  Right now.  Wegmans bakery is fucking amazing.

Also I realize I've been cursing a lot more recently in my entries?  Truthfully, it is more that I've decided to not censor myself as much because I don't want to aha.

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