Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Monster Mini Golf

Brendan and I got together today and went to the Entenmann's store. We were unfortunately both super full so we didn't get as much as we would have, but there are plans to maybe head back there soon (maybe today or tomorrow) to get more.  We then went to this mini golf place which is apparently really new and it was very Halloweeny.  Blacklight inside, a bunch of creepy decorations.  It was really awesome.  We also played a round of air hockey.  Unfortunately, I scored on myself a few times, which kind of gave him the victory, but I ended up winning mini golf by two strokes!  I somewhat wish I lost though, because they then gave him a coupon for a free round at his next visit with the words, "you need to practice" on it, which made me laugh.

We almost bought White 2 and Black 2, because Gamestop was having a "buy 2 get 1 free" on any pre-owned DS and Wii games, but we couldn't find Black 2 pre-owned.  Brendan did show me the 3DS he just bought; it was the extra large one and my god it was so nice.  I want one.  But I do think I want the leather jacket first though.  I should maybe get on that so I can have it for when the weather gets nicer!

Before I met up with Brendan I went with Danny to lunch.  I took him to my favourite Italian restaurant, and he was very pleased.  We discussed a lot of things, and I'm very grateful to have friends who are still okay with me complaining about the ex and everything.  (And he's not the only one, so I'm grateful to all of them!) He has always been the person to tell me that I will never forget about the ex, as much as I want to, but I will find someone better.  Better for me and better to me, and when I find that person, I will really get over my previous relationship, even though I will always think about it.  Just in a different way.

I want to believe him, I really do, since he has gone through this.

He warned me to not let my hatred consume me.  I told him that is harder to do than it seems.

He also joined the chorus of those who have told me that the ex truly isn't happy, and that is why he jumps from person to person.  That he is trying to fill a void that may not be able to be filled in that way.  Specifically, he said he was completely sure of that.

I don't know.

Also watched some Too Cute puppies before!  That show is just so adorable and I can't.  Now watching some Downton Abbey with my mom, and I might try to do some work later too.

Didn't forget my medication today, either!

Also I love getting random texts.  They make me supper happy. :)

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