Monday, March 18, 2013

I don't feel well today.  Physically and mentally.  Bah.

I woke up late this morning; so even though I woke up at 8:10, I was on campus by 8:30, which still made me late to my class, but the undergrads all seemed to understand.  But I felt sick when I got up and I still do and I'm forcing myself to have food right now even though ugh I really don't want to.

Plus maybe it is because I woke up so suddenly...but I'm even more tired than usual.  I couldn't pay attention during my seminar today.  But I'm getting caffeinated right now so hopefully I'll be able to focus and everything in a little bit.  And it is so fucking cold, I can't

Sitting out in my living room with a blanket and everything.

But maybe my sad feels today are because of my sick feels.

Or it is just carrying over from yesterday?  Probably a bit of both.

Agenda for today is to get the draft of the review for methods finished, and then do some game theory.  Also, I need to email my professor asking her if I can take the test on Thursday rather than Friday.

Found a thing in Atlantic City to possibly go to; it is a beer convention thing the weekend of the 5th, which my friends will probably be interested in.  I want to go because the Bouncing Souls are playing aha.  It might be fun to take a weekend trip down there.

Want to sleep.  Want happy feels to come to me.

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