Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Game theory session involved a lot of me going up to the board and explaining things, which was a bit of a confidence booster, because it means that people trust my judgment a lot in game theory and recognize that it is something that I am good at and everything.

I have a lot to do if I want to go to Spring Fling on Saturday, which I learned about recently.  Basically it is this big carnival thing that Binghamton does, and I know Yellowcard is playing, so I really want to go mostly so I can see them (I'll need to figure out where they're playing and stuff).

I was fine before when I was with people but now I have some sad feels.  Though I did do the stupid thing and checked his facebook while not logged in and saw new picture with them two and ugh.  I'm stupid.  I'm stupid and do stupid things and I hate him more than I can handle anymore.  It is just kind of annoying.  He's on my mind too much.  And it just makes me angry and sad and feel like I'm even more worthless than I think all the time and ugh it is irritating.

Heh, it is just that I left his mind probably the weekend after he left me.  And he hasn't left mine.

That's not fucking fair.

I don't even know what I want anymore.  Besides him to be unhappy.  Because he fucking deserves to be.

I wish I could just find someone who could make me forget about him the way he has me.  That requires me to find a very special person though, because that's what he was to me.


I really fucking hate him.  I really.  Really do.  Though that's obvious, I just.  It is more than I have ever hated anyone before, honestly.  And that hate is painful, because I once loved him more than I thought I could.  But I don't know what to do with all this hate and anger and sadness.

Not that he would care.

He doesn't care.  He never cared.

I was a tool to him.  Nothing more.  

Haven't eaten today yet.  Not hungry either.  Meh.

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