Wednesday, May 22, 2013


So today after getting our house key, Carl, Brendan and I went to that charitable furniture store in Owego and made an awesome purchase.  We got two sectionals - one of which is leather with four recliners and the other of which is microfibre and has three recliners with one of them being electric - for a little over $1600.  So each of us paid around $550 in the end, and the retail price for these two was around $6000.  So...yeah. That was a sweet as fuck purchase.

I also visited Callie today, and I was a little sad because tomorrow will be the last day I get to visit her before I head down to the Island for the week.  I'll miss her and I just hope she remembers me and everything when I come back!  I might run and get her a new toy or something and ask if I can give it to her for her to have while I'm gone and stuff.  Maybe one of those stuffing-less toy animals!  My sister's dog likes those so much, so maybe she will too!  Though I also know that she loves the ropes, so maybe I should just get one of those.  Aaaah I don't know!  I just want her to love it!

Before all of this, I met with my professor about the project.  Unfortunately, my roommate is also on it.  And I'm working not only on this project, but on two others as well.  Originally, he and I were put on the same thing.  However, I did go to my professor after the meeting and requested that one of us be switched, because I really couldn't work with him.  I explained that he caused me a ton of stress this year and there is just a lot of animosity between us and I couldn't even look at him without getting angry, so I really did not want to work with him.  My professor was super cool with it, actually.  And explained to me that my roommate was just assigned to him.  So he said he would keep him away from me, which I appreciate more than he knows.  Seriously.  I do.  Because I'd rather tear out all my hair than work with my shithead of a soon to be former roommate.

Plus it is just kind of annoying that I can't get away from him.  Ugh.  Seriously.  What the hell.

But then he and I were discussing the new house and my puppers and I showed her to him and he thought she was really pretty (while also saying that she was going to be big, which she already is, and probably will get slightly bigger...seriously, her paws are huge).  So I liked having that conversation also.

When we went to make copies of our key, we went to Lowes and got seriously lost in there.  It was fantastic.  Which is funny because I usually hate that place and always got mad at my parents when they would force me to go there with them when I was younger.  But when I was there I pretty much just wanted to do a ton of stuff for the house.  Like, I kind of would love to paint my room, and I was like "WHAT IF WE GOT NEW CARPET TOO" and stuff.  That place is dangerous.  It makes you just want to do a ton of stuff that isn't completely necessary and you should not be looking to do as a renter.

Long Island tomorrow!

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