Sunday, May 5, 2013

Iron Man 3

So the movie was really good!  A bit ridiculous in some parts but hey, what is a superhero movie without over-the-top explosions and everything?  Seriously.

I don't learn though; I get popcorn a lot of times, and I don't know if it is that I eat too much of it because it is there or that I drown it in butter, but I always get a really bad stomachache afterwards.  But it is so good and a movie is just better with popcorn and a litre of soda, seriously!

My stomach really is hurting bad right now though.  Ugh.

But now I should return to grading.  I really hate doing this because I always second-guess myself in terms of the grades I'm giving and I don't know if I'm being fair and whatnot and ack.  I should probably get over this since I'll be grading many many more papers in the years to come, with the profession I desire to stay in and everything.

Oh!  And before Brendan and I were talking about music, and we both remarked about how absolutely beautiful Death Cab really is.  That sometimes we forget because they're more mellow than a lot of the other stuff we listen to, but they really really are.  Their song lyrics alone are the best I've ever heard and gah.  I really wish they were on tour.  I would love to see them also.

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