Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Ice Cream and Puppies

Dentist told me that I had beautiful teefers and that I had excellent home care and that I should keep doing what I am doing.  Which made me feel awesome.  I usually get compliments like that when I go to the dentist, and I like continuing to get them.  My wisdom teeth are even okay and everything, so I really hope I can just keep them in and everything an not have to get them pulled.  I don't want any of my toofers getting pulled.  Nope.

After, Brendan and I went to Ice Cream Cottage (my favourite local ice cream shop), and because he can't eat a lot of ice cream at once, I ended up having to finish his.  Which was okay, since he got chocolate chip. Nom.  My favourite flavour!  Simple, yet delicious.

We then headed out to Port Washington, which is out in Nassau, to look at puppers.  Now, first, Port Washington is a super rich area, so we were just listing off every luxury car we saw, and it was definitely more than half of the cars on the road.  Both of us were a little uncomfortable aha being all middle class and shit.  We saw two Porsches in that neighbourhood too.  Yeah.  Seriously.

And the shelter we went to seemed a bit...suspicious.  I mean everyone was nice, but I was a bit suspicious over the fact that not one of the dogs got up and started barking or anything?  And yeah, that could be just personality or the fact that they were taken out but...all of them?  Seriously?  It was eerie.  I've never been to a shelter where the dogs did not get up when people were around.  I mean, I might just be ignorant of a way to get them to do that, but.  Yeah.  And the fact that only one of the dogs we saw was over a year also had me a bit hesitant.  Because...I don't know.  Does that mean they turn away older dogs, or do they just euthanize them or what?

Again, I don't really know how shelters worked, but this one seemed very different from my regular one up in Binghamton and some of the others I have been to, so...yeah.

Then on the way back, Brendan and I were discussing different animes we should watch/rewatch this summer.  He's really happy that he can talk to me about this stuff since apparently none of his other friends liked it.  I was telling him about different cons and everything also.

Guy sent me a video of his cat being adorable and oh my god is his cat adorable.  I can't.  I cannot.  Gah.

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