Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Yesterday I noticed that I had a facebook message from some guy I didn't know from like...the beginning of April (I just didn't notice it until yesterday), and I need to copy the exact message here because it is really hilarious to me:

"hello sweet angel, how are you doing? am attracted by your pleasant beauty when i came across your profile. my heart panted at the glance of your undeniable cuteness. can i get to know you."

I CAN'T.  I was dying.

Especially since this dude, once I looked at his profile, had to be at least 50 years old.

Creeper, I know, but I couldn't stop laughing at that message.

I had dinner with Danny last night and updated him on my life and stuff.  The meds and the therapy and the dreams and the not eating and the everything, and he really wants me to get better.  He thinks I will; he's always been the one giving me advice and stuff, especially since he went through a really bad breakup with a really shitty guy also (who was also his first).  So he understands.

Maybe I'll go into deets on what he said, but not right now, since I need to get ready for dentist appointment.

Brendan and I said we will get together later and get ice cream and go see puppies!

Also I had another fun dream last night.  This one involved my sister and her fiance opening up a restaurant in Albany called "Boter's Bowls" (Boter being my future brother-in-law's gamertag and nickname) and it ended up being really popular.  It was home-styled inside, and we were deciding what to do with the couches in the back and stuff before I woke up.  It was fun.

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