Thursday, May 16, 2013


I just submitted my last final to my American professor, and with that, my first year of graduate school is finished.

It doesn't really feel like it right now?  I feel like I should have a bunch of other assignments to do, but it is going to feel absolutely amazing to just relax and not have to worry about schoolwork for a few weeks.  Of course, I will be doing work during the summer, as I want to continue researching and start trying to figure out publication ideas.  Not to mention I'll have my qualifying exam when the fall semester hits, so I really need to fix up my filibuster paper (basically just revamp the entire fucking thing at this rate) in order to submit it for that.

But it feels good that it is all done.  It feels like an accomplishment.   And it is an accomplishment, I should realize!  I had a good year academically, despite all my emotional issues and stress.  I have made myself known in the department, formed relationships with professors, have built a reputation as a good student and scholar (so much so that I have Comparative and American professors lobbying me constantly to join their side, since I have yet to really settle on one specific area), and more.

The year went by very quickly, actually.  I feel  like I just came here, and now I'm already finished with my first year.  I've learned so much, more than I realize, in this time, and I'm excited to continue!  I know that I get stressed quite a bit and am continuing to deal with my own issues (and those sometimes harm my academic performance), but this is where I belong.  Academia is where I feel most comfortable.

I have always been a good student.  And I want to become an even better scholar.

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