Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Holy hell, why are hunters so annoying to beat?  Obviously I'm not doing something right otherwise this mofo would be dead by now.  But I keep hitting his exposed area using my battle rifle so I don't get it.  I'm doing something wrong for sure.

I've been on Halo for a while, just going through the campaign for now since I'm not in the mood to play online.  Maybe I will later though.  I also saw Callie (the puppers; that's her name at the shelter and while I was originally going to rename her Euphie after Euphemia from Code Geass, I actually really like Callie.  It suits her so well.  Plus, not having to force her to learn a new name would probably be beneficial for her).  It was just me this time, which I kind of preferred, because I want her and I to bond in a way that she won't with the other two.  Which might be kind of selfish, but it's true.  I want her to stay by my side and be my best friend and everything.  When I was there I asked about this one trainer I saw, and was told really great things about her, so I probably will send a message asking what her rates are and everything!  I'm not sure if I should do a private session or a group; I might start with group and then if Callie's separation anxiety keeps acting up, I'll go for something private and ask for advice on how to help that.

Before that, I had my session, which was good.  Showed her pictures of Callie; she loves her just from the pics!


I actually started this entry as a break from Halo and I was going to go into detail about what went down in session but man, I really want to beat these hunters.  I might come back later for detailed session talks.  Briefly, we talked about guy's parallelisms to the ex and my concerns about that (and more so my concerns about recognizing these parallels and still wanting to talk to him).  And we talked about me putting other people's feelings above myself because I don't think I'm important, which is what I did with the ex and with friends now and with family a lot.  I told her it is just easy to focus on other people's problems and try to fix them (even though I now recognize that I cannot fix the problems the ex had and possible problems guy has) and ignore my own.  Again, because those people are important whereas I am not.  Also talked about issues with seeing the extended fam and some concerns I'm having about friends.  And about the possibility of seeing the ex at some point this summer due to wanting to go to my undergrad and stuff, and the anxiety which is coming along with that.

Won't see her next week, because I'll be on the Island, but have another session with her two weeks from today at my usual time.

I can't wait for puppers!  June 3rd!  I need to go out and buy her a ton of stuff!

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