Tuesday, May 7, 2013


So.  I was definitely wrong about being better.

I decided to have some cashews earlier, since I thought that maybe if I ate it would help with my stomach.  Nope.  I ended up feeling worse and then I was in session for maybe 10-15 minutes, if that, and immediately started throwing up.  (Realized I was going to in time, though, so bucket was obtained and no mess was made in the office!  Huzzah!)  But because I was shaking and really really weak (and truthfully I have been for the past few days), we called the campus EMT and I was taken to health services via ambulance and stretcher.  Originally they asked if I wanted to be taken to the hospital and I said no very very quickly.  (To that also, Nancy laughed and said that it was hard enough trying to convince me to let her call the EMT people, so I would definitely say no to the hospital.  Which is very very true.)

But they were really nice and friendly and one of the guys in particular was super cute aha.  I ended up at health services and I was given a crapton of medicine and then put on a liquid diet for today and a bland diet for the day after that (and I think the day after that too).

Then I called my parents and talked with them for a while and I kind of wish they were here to take care of me and everything but Brendan and Carl both said that if I needed anything I could ask them and they would get me stuff (actually I know Brendan will be bringing me juice later since I'm unsure if mine has expired and everything).  I just asked them to help me with the Game Theory homework that is due tomorrow since I really can't focus on things at the moment.

I might try to nap for a little bit or just lay down and watch tv and relax for an hour or so.  I just still feel really bleh.

This is seriously the worst time this could have happened.  And I'm hoping I'll be able to reschedule my session for this week too.

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