Monday, May 27, 2013

I'm trying to do this bibliography for my professor and I'm really just kind of...not in the mood to do it.  So I'm taking a break...even though I only have four things on the list right now.  I'd like to have a ton more, but I only have until Wednesday.  I should just work through things but I'm tired and I guess a break isn't terrible.  

Luckily all of it actually is stuff I'm interested in; I'm just tired.

Really, I haven't been able to get out of this funk that I've been in, emotionally.  I should be happier because I'm home, and I guess it is similar to when I'm at school: when people are around, I'm much happier than when I'm by myself.  It's normal, I suppose. 

...I've had this up for a while now, and I'm not really sure what else to say.  I thought writing something would help me not be so...lethargic.  

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