Sunday, May 26, 2013


I think I may have figured out who I want to cosplay this year for Otakon.  Won't say who just yet, because I sort of want it to be a surprise and see if I can actually do it and everything.  She's not...too difficult, I don't think.  Which is good for me since I suck at getting things together for cosplay aha.  Plus not many people go as her and everything.  Since I was among many Pokemon Trainer Blacks last time, I'd like to be more...unique, I guess.  I mean, I might find one or two of her, but I doubt it?  There are more popular people in her series, which doesn't see a ton of cosplay action anymore anyway!

And the cool thing is that my friend said she would maybe do the prop for me for a small fee!  Woo!

Went shopping and finally bought a bed and bowls and more toys and stuff for Callie!  I really can't wait to take her home.  I'm beyond excited and I can't wait and I'm already that guy that just talks about her dog and shows pictures of her to everyone but I regret nothing because she is adorable and dfjsfhsd.

Made a list of things I need to get done before I head back upstate.  I should probably get on some of those right now.

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