Sunday, May 12, 2013

Today ended up being a very productive day overall!

Brendan came over and we worked on our replication papers all day.  We went to an engagement party for a fourth year from the department, but we only stayed for an hour before deciding to head back due to needing to work more.  Luckily they all understood.

We actually talked about doggie situation, and now there is another possible plan.  Since although the puppies were so super cute, I know a rescue is a lot pickier than shelters (usually anyway) with who they adopt to, and I know I really...shouldn't get a puppy that young.  I really shouldn't.  Plus I really would like to get someone from the shelter I always go to.

So I still would like that 9 month old lab mix, and then Brendan came up with another possibility: there is a 7 and a half year old black lab mix also, and he was thinking about getting her, especially since he would like someone who is lower energy and we both remarked that actually getting an older dog would work out nicely, since they often get overlooked and that is sad.

That idea got us both way too excited.  Like...we are way into that idea and it is a great idea and I wish the shelter was open tomorrow so we could go and look at them both and stuff.  But we need to wait until Monday, which is unfortunate.  But I think it would be awesome to have an older and a younger dog in the house with us; they could be like a mentor and mentee!  And they should already know each other since they would be coming from the same shelter and all.

I know I've gone through a ton of plans for the dog situation, but this one is actually the one I'm most into, truthfully.  I can't wait until Monday to check them out and see about that possibility.

I still have a long way to go for my paper, but I'm hoping that at least I can get through another huge chunk of it tomorrow.  Just put on movies and write and work on STATA stuff and it'll be good.  Brendan has really been helping me and I will need to buy him a meal and a few drinks at the very least because seriously he has been my saviour on this project, seriously.

He and I stopped and then talked for over an hour about stuff which was really nice.  He's gonna come over tomorrow also and we'll keep working, because we actually do get more work done together than we do on our own.  It works out well!

Tired now though, so it is time for bed soon, I think!

In a good mood right now.  I like when that happens.

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