Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Just a follow-up because screw you I want to.

Energy sworded those bitches.  They went down so fast.

Aw yeah.

I notice that I do play much more strategically when I am playing by myself.  When I'm with someone else I kind of just charge in, resulting in me dying a lot.  Happens a lot less when I'm by myself, because I know I have no backup.  So I end up sniping a lot more when solo and using assault rifles and stuff more when with a team.  Huh.

It feels awesome being able to do this and not worry about working.  Seriously.  Games are too fun and I miss them during the school year.

Might actually get that fightstick at some point.  But I am in a shooters mood so it might be a while, honestly. Oh well.  It could be fantastic.  A summer of gaming.  With research sprinkled on the side.

Hoping my chicken thaws so I can make cutlets.  Nom nom.

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