Saturday, May 11, 2013

Baseball Game

So at first I was a little reluctant to go to the baseball game.  (For reference, every year the department hosts two big events, one in the fall and one in the spring.  The one in the fall is the wine tour, which I missed this year due to wedding stuffs, and the one in the spring is the minor league baseball game, where we get a tent in the left field area and get a keg and food and things are good.)  But I had paid for it and I was expected to go and everything, so I sucked it up and went.

And I'm very glad that I did, since I had a really good time, and it did help me unwind more from the stress which has been piling on top of me due to finals.  I mostly tried to mingle with those outside of my own cohort, since I feel as though I don't know them well enough, and they're always so cool and it makes me really happy.  We talk about work and politics, yeah, but also about video games and bad movies and just general geeky fun things and it pleases me way too much.

The game ended up getting rained out in the seventh inning, but people were far into our keg by then and then there was a fireworks show and we decided to head over to a restaurant/bar to continue with drinks.  Some of us walked, since it really wasn't too far, it was just pouring out.  I at least had my huge-ass umbrella to keep me mostly dry.

(Oh, I also walked there with Brendan and we walked into a cute as hell cat.  My god she was so fucking friendly and precious and I cost us 10 minutes because I was playing with her and was afraid that she was lost but then her owners came out.  Which was good because she had no collar on and I was afraid of just leaving her.  I could tell by her temperament that she most likely wasn't a stray or anything, so I just didn't want to leave her out by herself.  She was such a cutie, my god.)

At the bar, we were talking with one of the sixth years who is sadly leaving us because he found a job (which is good for him, though!) about our adventures abroad in Europe and about devolution in the UK and about football and plenty of other topics and it was so awesome.  He gave me some pointers about applying to jobs overseas, since he applied to one in Glasgow, but ended up not going for that.

Then as we were about to leave, we ended up stopping for a good...20 minutes or so to talk with a second year and a...fifth year (I think he is...I don't remember if he is fifth or fourth), and they were both pretty drunk, but hilarious as hell.  Especially the second year.  He is usually very introverted and quiet (but he is a very cool person) and tonight his drunkenness made him super silly and it was so funny and fun.  He also stared at me whenever he wanted my attention for something, and he is a really really handsome person (like seriously, he is just a very good-looking guy) and it kind of...pierces you ahaha.  So basically, it worked.  

Tomorrow I need to return to work mode, but it was fun to not think about that so much after the final today.  It was nice to go out and enjoy myself.

Oh, and the second years appointed some of us as our department GSO's executives; I was given Treasurer, which I was grateful for.  I imagine it has to do with me and my math.  

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