Tuesday, May 28, 2013

guy stuff

Ah, guy was being cute and non-sexual which was nice and I liked it.

He was explaining the things he wanted to make for me, food-wise, and started wondering - when I told him about my diet and my weird thing about my different foods not touching (seriously, I need one of those separator plates when I eat) - what he could do to accommodate for that.  He was laughing when, after he requested I make him soup if he gets sick, I asked him if he liked burnt soup.  Because that would probably happen.  If soup can even be burned.  Can soup be burned?  I have no idea.  I probably would burn it, if I could.

Basically his food is all fancy and shit, and mine is like..."hey let's stick this in the oven/microwave and wait for it to heat up."

And at one point he sent me a "kiss" and my response was "kissy! :)"

He really liked that, and honestly it was a quick response on my part.  He said he liked how happy that sounded.

I have so many conflicted feels about this guy, seriously.

Depending on how things are...maybe I can ask him to be my +1 to my sister's wedding.  I won't pressure him if he doesn't want to, since it is my entire family and all, but he is an option.

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