Friday, May 10, 2013

Final: The Followup

Okay so, I saw the first question and did it and was all "bam, that shit was destroyed!"

Second question: "okay.  I got this."

Third: "........I'll come back to this one."

Fourth: "What the flying fuck is this."

Fifth: "...Well this seems kind of easy?"

So basically, three out of the five questions were fair, and the other two I spent probably 3 fucking hours trying to figure out.  I'm still pretty sure I did everything incorrectly, but you know what?  At least I put down something that might have had some semblance of making sense and show my professor that I overall know what I'm doing in this class.

Won't lie, I'm also kind of banking on everyone else not doing very well, since this is all on a curve and everything.  And I know that is somewhat mean, since I shouldn't be in competition with the rest of my cohort, but I guess we kind of are in Game Theory?  I don't know.

Good thing is that we are done with this class for the semester!  Huzzah!  One class down, two to go!

Also, after the final, we went to go look at puppers, and since it is getting closer to the time we would be able to adopt, we were able to take some out.  First we took out a 9 month old Lab mix, who was absolutely precious and adorable and I kind of loved her way too much.  The only thing is that she apparently has been brought back twice due to anxiety issues and so they won't adopt her unless there is a second dog in the house.  So...we did start thinking about getting two, because I really do love this girl.

The other we looked at was a 2 year old pit mix, who was incredibly friendly and really social.  I loved him too, but not as much as the lab.  But apparently he and her are super good together, so now we're thinking about having the two of them together.  The only thing is that I'm hesitant to get a pit mix simply because they are banned in the UK, and if I ever want to move over there, I can't bring the puppers with me.  Which would break my heart, seriously.  That is the only thing keeping me from seriously looking at pits.  It kind of disheartens me, because I feel terrible by contributing to the overpopulation of pits in shelters and I wish I could take one out but I really don't know where I'll want to be in the future, and I would hate to either not go to England because of puppers, or even worse, leave puppers behind and go to England.  Really, both of those possibilities suck, which is why I'm trying to stay away from pits.

But Carl really fell for him, so he's thinking about possibly getting him, and we're seriously thinking about two dogs in the house.  If he decides against it, then I'll have to look for someone different, because they won't adopt the lab mix to me unless I have another dog.  It makes me sad, though, because anxiety like what was described is mostly probably due to poor training on her previous owners' part, and so I'm really trying to not fall into that pattern with my dog.  Really, I want to be a good trainer and a good owner and have my dog just be really good.  We shall see.

I mean, there are other places I can go to and look also, but I was described as a "regular" at this particular shelter, so I would really love to adopt from them.

I have some thinking to do.

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