Saturday, May 4, 2013

Spring Fling

Holy shit there are so many people here and it just isn't really my crowd at all aha it is basically a bunch of frat boys and sorority chicks and pretty much everyone here are undergrads and I'm walking around very awkwardly almost because of it.

I mean, it is a good time, but I'm also very "...fuck you guys why do you get to have fun and I have to do work?"

And truthfully it is really hot outside and everything and it is too crowded and stuff.  It just isn't my scene, really.  But it is nice to walk around and take a break from working.  I finished a rough draft of the paper, but I still need to edit it and I need to grade a ton of papers and everything still.  I don't want to.  And I'm pretty sure I said this in a few other entries but fuck I do not want to at all.  Grading is poop and stupid and mehhh.

Brendan made a note that I only use babytalk when I see dogs.  Heh.  That does happen a lot.

Procrastinating.  Wahhhh.

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