Friday, May 3, 2013


The right side of my headphones isn't working, which makes me really really sad.  But, I'm pretty sure they're still under warranty, so I might look to send them back later today or tomorrow morning, so that I could get them repaired and everything.  I've only had them since October; they should not be messed up already and everything!  I really don't want to get new ones or anything like that.

Had a chat with my parents last night.  It was my daddy's birthday so I felt a bit bad when I started asking him for advice on sensitive topics and all.  Mainly about the thing between me and my sister; he advised me to talk to her about my feelings and everything, and said that if I found that to be really difficult, then he would mention what I told him to her and ask her to call me and stuff.  I appreciated it.

My mom and I talked about my feelings about the ex, and I could tell that she is sad that I still think about him a lot and everything.  She's not mad, but it is more of a "I don't know what else you can do to stop thinking about him," and tried telling me again that he is a liar and a cheat and a user and that anything that happened was all because of him and I didn't do anything wrong.  She told me not to apologize when I did for still being sad about that and everything, and said that if I ever just wanted to call just to say how much of an asshole he is and everything, then I could do that.

They really have been very very supportive.  I don't know really what I would do without them backing me up and everything.

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