Friday, May 24, 2013


Home, and it feels nice.

I like having my mom run out to the car to see me and then I get a super big hug from her and everything like that.  And then my dad comes home with pizzas and doesn't even put it down before giving me a kiss.  And then when he does put them down, he still gives me a huge hug.  And my younger sister just being so happy to see me and not wanting to go to bed because she wants to stay up with me and everything.

And then I like it when my dad asks about my work and we can talk about that a little bit because I like talking about it to people who are interested and will actually listen to me ramble about my stuff.

It's just nice to be home.

Being home is sometimes a nice check on my thoughts of worthlessness.  Because my family, at the very least, would care if something were to happen to me.

If I left this world, they would be sad.

So even on days where I find reminders of the ex and become sad about that...there are people who do care.

Them, and the friend I drove down with.  I think he would care as well.

I do matter to some people.  Even if I didn't to others.  Even if I didn't to him.

Also adoption is set up and I will officially be picking Callie up and taking her home on June 3rd, at 11 in the morning!  I can't wait.  I just love her so much.

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