Wednesday, May 8, 2013

I had to leave the Game Theory session early today since I was feeling absolutely horrible.  Though at least I haven't thrown up today?  And I was able to eat some rice, which was good, for two reasons: 1) because I hadn't eaten anything for like...30 hours, and 2) ...I successfully cooked rice.  Seriously.  The last few times I made rice I overwatered it way too much and it was disgusting.  I fail at cooking for the most part.  I might try to make some more in about an hour or something.

The bad thing was that I had some of the medicine they gave me and...I struggled to get it down.  It is in liquid form and I hate liquid medicine so much.  It makes me gag and I don't want to have it and I feel like I child but seriously.  It's so gross.  I can't even down it like a shot.  (Though honestly I don't really do shots either but.  Yeah.)

I should try to nap for a bit too, maybe.  I'm really tired.

I'm still kind of flirting with soon-to-be-first-year and I wonder if I should be.  I don't know.  From what I understand, there isn't really much emotional attachment on his end, but still...I don't know.  Part of me doesn't feel like I should be.  But I still kind of like it just to have that sort of thing going.

I don't know.

I feel like I've become a pill-popper.  Huh.

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