Thursday, May 30, 2013

I had a dream where the doggie shelter advised me not to get Callie and instead gave me another puppers.  Who was nice but somewhat aggressive towards everyone but me, but regardless I still did not feel connected with him, so I went back to the shelter and cried and told them I felt bad but I really wanted Callie and no one else.  And then they gave her to me.

But then it kind of got weird, and Callie turned into a human dude who was leading some sort of alien army against evil humans, and only I could stop him.  I was scaling buildings and stealthily running through castles and stuff and I think I was successful in the end, because he turned back into my girl puppers and we were happy and ran around all excitedly and it was fun.

I HAVE NO IDEA why are my dreams weird as shit sometimes.

Though I am impressed by this track record of dream-remembering.  It's been the past...four or five days where I've remembered my dreams.

And only one of them had the asshole ex in it!  Which is kind of amazing, because prior to this, I wanna say 95% of my remembered dreams involved him.  So.  Him not being in this string of them is really really really awesome and refreshing.

I know of course, this doesn't mean that he won't be in any more of them, but I guess my brain is being nice to me for once and allowing me to not see him during the night for these past few days.  Which I appreciate greatly.

I'm sad that my spaceship is filled with boxes now.  Sadface.

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