Thursday, May 16, 2013

My American professor just invited me to be a research assistant with pay for this summer to help him and two grad students to work on a big project.  From what little I heard about it, I'm pretty sure it has to do with Congressional elections, so it is kind of right up my alley.  He was telling me that it is supposed to be a really big thing, and he has two other scholars that we're supposed to work with as well.

I'm really excited about this opportunity.  Being offered a research assistant-ship (is that even a word?) despite my already having a fellowship is kind of a big deal to me.

It is really awesome.  I'm more excited than I probably should be right now, but the prospect of being able to do something with a team of people who are really good at what they do and really like this stuff is kind of a big deal.  Not to mention I'll get more income this summer now, which is always a good thing.

I do just hope that it'll be okay that I'm going to be gone for a week for cruise with the family.  I guess if I tell him now then it'll all be okay?  Since I'd be telling him two months in advance.

Times like these where I'm just really relaxed and truly feel happy have been especially rare in the past year, so I really do appreciate them more when they show up.  While I know they won't last entirely, as my own perfectionism and self-hate will show itself, and angry/sad thoughts about the ex will surface, and just...sad thoughts will show up.  There is no denying that they will.

But the fact that they show up a lot...makes these times where I actually feel good about myself, and okay with where I am in life, and just overall makes them even better.   

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