Monday, May 20, 2013

So today was good albeit with mixed emotions on my part, though that is probably just due to me being me and my feels acting up from here to there even though it should have been a full day of happiness.  I don't know.

So my plan originally was to go to my cousin's daughter's 2nd birthday, but I woke up feeling really sad.  I don't know why.  I was sad and tired and just felt really lame overall.  I was lethargic is getting up and trying to get ready, and then by the time I would have left, I probably would not have gotten down until three hours after the party started and...yeah.  I didn't really want to drive that long today, so I decided to just not go.

But then friends all got together and we went to lunch and so my mood started picking up.  Carl wanted to show The Hangover, since the third one is coming out and I had never seen it.  We didn't watch it until later but it was enjoyable.  Not as funny as some other things I've seen, but it was still really good.

We went to one of our local video/music/game stores after lunch, looking to get some things.  I was actually - due to nommings - in a good mood.  Looking through vinyls and cds and games and was good.  Until a familiar song came on overhead.  Yeah, the one song I've been trying so desperately to avoid.  Such Great Heights.  And because I remember it and everything I started softly singing along and I just got sadder and sadder because it really does just bring up memories and makes me think of that cd (which makes me think of the final track on it) which especially upsets me.

My chest was really tight and everything for a bit.  That damn song, man.  That fucking song.  It's so good but just makes me so upset.  Which is precisely why I try to avoid it as much as possible.

But after the store, we wen back to my place and watched The Hangover.  After though, we watched The Wicker Man, which is something I've been wanting to watch for years since undergrad friends would only say great things about it.  And it was perfect.  Holy shit it was so funny and I couldn't even handle it at all.  I wish I had watched this thing earlier.  It was so ridiculous.  And wonderful.

Throughout all this we were just kind of eating junk food, so I didn't eat anything good(ish) for dinner.  Oops.  Oh well.  I guess it is still better than eating absolutely nothing?

We decided to go do a bonfire outside, which was nice and relaxing.  We got stuff to make s'mores.  I don't eat s'mores, but I like to roast them and then shove them on others.  And by roast, I mean set on fire.

Also I told my friends about 4chan, because none of them knew about it somehow.  I don't know if I should tell them "you're welcome" or "I'm sorry."

I was thinking about the puppers, and I'm starting to wonder if I can seal the deal on her and then ask them to hold her at the puppy hotel that they also do.  But I am absolutely horrified of someone else seeing her and wanting to adopt her in the next two weeks.  I really am.  I would be heartbroken, because she is just so wonderful and I want to help her with her separation anxiety problems as much as I can.  I was thinking about trying to take her early and then take her home to Long Island with me, but that's probably a super bad idea, since I'll have to leave her alone and I don't know exactly how she acts when left by herself.

I don't know.  I just want to seal the deal, honestly!  I might ask about the puppy hotel thing.  Depending on how much it is and if there has been any other interest in her.

And despite bonfire fun, kind of feeling sadish right now?  Weird.  Though I am trying to think about Streetlight concert in like a month, and that is making me feel better.  Also gonna sleep.  Woo.

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