Sunday, May 26, 2013

Cosplay part 2

Because I think I'm mentally set on this cosplay, now I'm spending a ton of time looking up wigs and jackets and the like.  I'm now planning on going as Rip Van Winkle from Hellsing.  I really don't know why I all of a sudden wanted to go as her, but I loved her craziness and how insane she was when I watched the OVA, and she's not a very popular character to cosplay, from my understanding.

Since her cosplay isn't too difficult, seemingly, I tend to want it to be more accurate.  Which is why I'm now having a dilemma: do I go with a $65 wig which should hit around my knees or lower, which is the length of her hair, or do I go shorter for convenience (my friend informed me that super long wigs tend to be difficult to maintain) and get one that is $40 but less accurate.  Hmm, decisions, decisions.

I might also get a custom made jacket; I feel like it has been difficult to find double breasted blazers which aren't...coats.  It might be best for me to send measurements in and get a really nice looking jacket rather than try to customize one which might not be as good in the end.

And then if I spend a lot on those two things, it might not be terrible.  Especially since I am making more money than I was at any other Otakon I'd be going to.

And like I said, my friend said she could try her hand at making the gun, because I really would like that with me.  Plus, I need to get gloves, fangs, glasses, a black tie, a...light purple (I gotta recheck that colour) button-down shirt, and perhaps blue contacts (not completely necessary but if I feel like it).  But I suppose spending around $200 could be my budget, actually.  That is usually what I end up spending in the end, I'm pretty sure.  Something like that.  Maybe my past ones were a bit cheaper but like I said...more money now means I can get better stuff.

Luckily, I have boots already!

Having a cosplay idea has made me way more excited for Otakon than I even already was.  Ahhhh.

Oh, and I made a kickass cake image today using nothing but the internet and microsoft word for makeshift photoshopping.  Aw yeah.

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