Thursday, February 28, 2013

I really wish that we were picking out dresses for the wedding on any other weekend.  It was supposed to be like...a month ago, but it was during that huge snowstorm so Steph ended up having to cancel and reschedule.  And this weekend just...kind of sucks.  Because of the parallelism.

Last year, around this time, I immediately had to go try on dresses for Dee's wedding.  Right after that day.  And now, the weekend of its anniversary, I'm doing that again.

And it sucks.  Because I want to be genuinely happy.  This is a joyous occasion and I should be happy.

But the parallelism has just...really hit me.

When I expressed concern about this, I was told to try and think only about my sister and try to not think about him and everything.  That's difficult, sometimes, but I will definitely make the attempt.  Maybe it won't be so bad, because I'll be surrounded by family and all.

I'm only going on Saturday, so I'll be around the rest of the weekend.  Brendan's girlfriend is coming, and then to that, Carl laughed and said maybe he should get the person he's kind of dating to come up too.

After hearing that, I won't lie: I pouted, because I wanted to just hang out with them.  And then I said, "You guys suck."

Though I said it jokingly, I'll admit I was somewhat bitter about it.

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