Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Alright, I don't feel too bad as much for not really understanding this supposedly easy assignment, because no one else seems to be able to do it either.  Specifically, no one else seems to be able to do it in R; I think we were all pretty much able to get it in STATA after some intense working, but so far, no on has been able to do R.  Even the people who normally are able to get the assignments done very quickly have been messaging me asking if I have been able to do it or not.

So I don't feel as stupid, at the very least.

I am incredibly tired, though.  I may need to get another soda, or something, to try and stay awake and do R.  Everyone left, so I'm on my own with this.  Also since people seemed to give up; they would rather not hand in anything than keep working, which...I understand.  But I don't want to do it.  I want to keep trying.  Handing in nothing would be awful.

It might happen, but...seriously.  I'm surprised I haven't passed out by now, truth be told.

Anisha did call me, and I ended up crying for a little bit, thus forcing me to hide in my room for a while.  Just...with my mood and the situation today and Thursday coming up and me thinking about things and everything...I just was overwhelmed.  And...bah.

Sad and tired and just want to sleep forever.  But can't yet.

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