Saturday, February 2, 2013


So this is going to be me basically just whining because I'm having flashbacks to computer science and I hate that I suck at coding and everything and why can't I just understand this shit.

I just want to program a damn graph with two lines in R and STATA fuck why is it impossible why don't I understand this.

(It also would have been nice if our prof or someone showed us an example of how to do something like this, rather than just giving us a coding assignment without any actual lesson on how to code.  It's like "oh, you'll find shit online," but I did that with comp sci in the past and I didn't actually learn anything.  All I did was copy and paste things and hope to get a decent grade because I cared more about my GPA than anything at that point.)

Plus I'm just tired because I've been here since 1 and it is now almost 9:30 and I've been working like...all day.  And I just don't want to anymore.


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